Somerset Family Photographer | In-home session with the Howell’s

I loved this newborn-family session at home in the Howell house. We decided to take some photos of Bella baking brownies to create a ‘Day in the life’ style vibe. These are especially handy with active children as they like to keep busy and the experience feels less intimidating to them as well. I was sure to chase her around the kitchen to break the ice even though she met me at their Helen’s maternity session not long ago. Getting down on their level first thing is especially important when setting the tone for the day:)
Their gorgeous kitchen let in the most beautiful light and was an absolute treat to photograph. They do say that the kitchen is the heart of the home and I get the feeling that they spend a lot of family time in there…especially with their gorgeous new baby boy Jacob. He looks like he fits right in:)


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